About Me

Name: Alexandra

Age: I’m 13

Grade: I’m in 8th grade.

When’s My Birthday? My birthday is on April 1st.

Favorite Sport: Tennis

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Books: The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns, and Divergent

Favorite Colors: Blue and orange

Favorite Quote: “Pain is nothing compared to quitting”

Favorite Animal: My favorite animal is a tiger.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: lemon-basil sorbet

Favorite Dessert: Donuts

Favorite Subject: Writing

Favorite Store: Target

Favorite T.V. Show: Dance Moms

Favorite Drink: Mint lemonade and iced tea

Favorite Season: Summer

Favorite Day of the Week: Friday

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Fruit: Mangos                                 

How Many Siblings? I have two sisters.


  1. Eito · November 14, 2016 at 5:35 pm ·

    Oh, Your favorite season is summer? My favorite season is winter. Because I could do my favorite sports like skiing. Also, sometimes, it´s going to be no school by snow. I also like spring. How about you?

    • alexnfra8 · November 18, 2016 at 2:49 pm ·

      I love the spring too because I love all of the changes that it brings! I also go skiing in the winter! Do you play any other sports?